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Reduction of 1.6 litres of the following vehicle purchase tax plan submitted to the relevant departments
Clicks: 14126    Add Date: 2010/8/14
Automobile industry long-awaited good is brewing. Reporter was informed yesterday, a report on the reduction of emissions below 1.6 liters vehicle purchase tax scheme, has been submitted to the relevant government departments, and has attracted the attention of the relevant departments, is expected next year.
Reportedly, the national co-passenger information will be near to the national development and Reform Commission, Ministry of finance, the Ministry of industry, Ministry of Commerce submitted a bail-out of the car industry advice. In the "how to promote the development of automobile market" with particular reference to the purchase tax cut.
This suggests that, in order to energy-saving emission reduction, in accordance with international practice, to small cars preferential tax, car tax does not discount for large capacity, and design two kinds of scheme:
Plan, according to the capacity of hierarchical collection of vehicle purchase tax.
The emissions below 1 liters vehicle purchase tax from the current 10% to 2%; Volume 1 to 1.5 liters of purchase tax adjustment to 4% passenger car; volume 1.5 to 2 liters of passenger vehicle purchase tax rate to 6%; 2 and 2.5 litres will be taxed at 7%; volume 2.5 and 3 litres will be taxed at 8% 3; the discharge capacity of 4 litres to 9%; Volume 4 liters of purchase tax is still 10%.
Scheme two, waive the purchase tax on small cars.
According to informed sources, the dominant idea of stimulating domestic demand, energy saving and environmental protection, the proposal has attracted the attention of the relevant departments, and second kinds of tendency scheme. If all goes well, is expected in the first half of next year will be introduced related measures.
Yesterday, BYD Auto chairman Wang Chuanfu confirmed: "the relevant departments are considering canceling emissions below 1.6 liters vehicle purchase tax."
The news also obtained the authority to respond. China Automobile Industry Association Deputy Secretary-General Dong Jianping said, auto industry association and Ministry of the introduction of a number of domestic automobile consumption policy. Dong Jianping points out, the most effective policy when the number of tax reform, especially the reform of the vehicle purchase tax. Previously, in accordance with the "vehicle of the people's Republic of China Interim Regulations on the tax on the purchase of provisions", the vehicle purchase tax rate were 10%. Especially for emissions below 1.6 liters car as a small car, to give appropriate preferential purchase tax.
"Once out of the good, most of the Pratt & Whitney motors. In accordance with the passenger car sales statistics in October this year, Volume 1 to 1.6 passenger car market rise is the mainstream market, accounting for the domestic passenger car sales by more than three." Shun securities auto analyst Sun Muzi pointed out that.

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